What We Offer

At Zhenjiang Sino Business Consultancy (ZSBC), our Admission Department is dedicated to facilitating the educational journey of international students who aspire to pursue academic excellence in China. We understand that choosing the right educational path is a crucial decision, and we are committed to guiding students through every step of the admission process with professionalism and expertise.

Comprehensive Consultation:

Our experienced team of education consultants provides comprehensive consultation services to prospective students. We offer insights into various academic programs, institutions, and admission requirements, helping students make informed decisions about their educational future.

Application Assistance

ZSBC Admission Department assists students in completing and submitting their applications to universities and polytechnics in China. We ensure that all required documents are prepared and submitted accurately and on time, streamlining the application process for a smooth experience.

Scholarship Guidance

Recognizing the importance of financial considerations, our team provides guidance on scholarship opportunities available for international students. We assist in identifying and applying for scholarships that align with the students' academic achievements and goals.

Post-Arrival Support:

Our commitment to students extends beyond admission. We provide post-arrival support, assisting students with orientation, accommodation, and any initial challenges they may face as they begin their academic journey in China.

Apply Now

ZSBC can help you to fulfil your dream career. Through our widespread services, you will secure admission to study in top Universities and Polytechnics in China and learn the Chinese culture.

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Why Choose ZSBC

Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in the education consultancy field, ZSBC's Admission Department boasts a team of experts well-versed in the intricacies of the Chinese education system.

Personalized Guidance: We understand that every student is unique. Our consultants provide personalized guidance tailored to the individual needs and aspirations of each student.

Strong Network: ZSBC has established strong relationships with reputable universities and polytechnics in China, ensuring that students have access to a diverse range of academic options.

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